Turn It UP'

We all love a'bita IGGY AZALEA, That girl is doing crazy things for herself these days! Although the internet was the only place her very Duurty music got any play for a long time, she has now found her way on to our TV screens and thank BABY JEASUS for that! About time the whole world got to see how much of a hot bitch she is! I cant stop drooling over her in her latest video WORK, what a song & video! Anywho before I leave IGGY I feel like we should all take a moment out of our own life to appreciate her ridiculously awesome A$$  ! What an allround hot bitch. 

HOLY CRAP, I have also recently fell in LOVE with TRILL LOLITA - ITZEL XOCO which was released Friday (3 weeks ago)... directed and filmed by MEAT's badest Bitch Alis Pelleschi!

The song is so bad ass and I cant help but love the video for its waky internet inspired visuals <3 These two make a $weet team! I would love to drop the video here but due to technical difficultly's I cant hashtag'$adtimes RIGHT? However I highly recommend a listen Bitches because its pretty DAUM awesome!
 >>>>> WATCH THIS SHIT YO' <<<<<<<

I dont know what the name HOPSIN means to you all, but let me make one thing clear that man knows his shit and speaks so much dam truth that he can easily open your eyes to live all over again! And thats exactly what he done is in most REDIC song that is "ILL MIND OF HOPSIN 5". Sweet Lord just wait till he blows your mind. 

Ex oh ex oh YEAH GURL!