Kat Zakharchenko

Model : Kat Zakharchenko

Height: 5'9"
Bust: 33"
Waist: 24"
Hips: 34"
Shoes: 6.5
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Nationality: Ukrainian

I came across Kat on Models+1 website and what I instantly liked about her, apart from her stunning beauty, was genuinely how masculine she can look and do it with ease. I know that's quite random to say, but just really like how her face falls when she looks directly into the lenses. The intensity in her eyes, high cheekbones and very defined jaw all ads this masculine feel even thou she is very much a very beautifully and sexy woman. Its just something different, and I like different.

<-- masculine

She really can have two extremes, one like I said is very masculine and the other very feminine. Its such nice variety in a model to know she could do either editorial beauty products like a fragrance campaign or easily a very masculine high end fashion shoot in something like I.D !

Feminine -->